New Puppies!
Puppies were born December 24th! Josie and Harper in total had 13 girls and 9 boys. They will be ready to go to their new homes the end of February.
Accepting deposits now - $300
Text (208) 670-7722
Josie is sisters with our other female Harper. Josie and Harper are inseparable and follow each other everywhere. Josie gives us the most laughs. She has a goofy personality and loves to cheer us up. She loves to be around the family and will keep one paw on her mat so she can get away with being closer to us. She loves meeting new people and always gets so excited when everyone gets home from school. Josie is a very happy dog and we love her very much! Josie has so far had 3 litters and She is a great mamma to all her new pups!